ADV Draft Baseball League Other

ADV Draft Database

Version 1.1


Bug / Flying

Average Cost:
Cost Over Time - Butterfree
123456789101112131415161718Tournament Number →33333133111212221224681012141618↑ Cost

Smogon Article

604550808070HPAttackDefenseSp. AttackSp. DefenseSpeed
Team StatsDraft Stats
Value MetricsCombinations of other stats that attempt to quantify Pokemon value. Generally, if a Pokemon's ranking in a value stat is better than that of its ADP, it is undervalued relative to other Pokemon at its ADP. Otherwise, it is overvalued relative to other Pokemon at its ADP.
Win RateThe percentage of a Pokemon's battles that resulted in wins.
Draft RateThe percentage of a total drafts this Pokemon was available and taken.
WRDR2Win Rate * Draft Rate
This stat tracks the combination of a Pokemon's usage and performance and is normalized such that 100 is average.
Fraud IndexA value that shows how well a Pokemon does into better players compared to the average. Higher numbers mean this Pokemon is worse into better players than the average, marking the Pokemon as "fraudulent". Hover over the value itself to see the calculation, and click the link to head to an article explaining the index calculations further.
-6.227Butterfree Battle Record vs. 50%+ Win Rate Players: 6 / 14 (42.857%)

Average Pokemon's Win Rate vs. 50%: 34.204%

Fraud Index: 34.204-42.857 = -6.227

Drafts ChosenDraft rate expressed as a fraction.
13 / 162
VPPValue Per Point
Average cost multiplied by win rate and divided by 10. This tracks a Pokemon's value towards wins per point it costs.
Stomper IndexA value that shows how well a Pokemon does versus newer players compared to the average. Higher numbers mean this Pokemon is better into newer players than the average. Hover over the value itself to see the calculation, and click the link to head to an article explaining the index calculations further.
-9.23Butterfree Battle Record: 22 / 47 (46.809%)

Butterfree Battle Record vs. 50%+ Win Rate Players: 6 / 14 (42.857%)

Average Drop: -14.509%

Stomper Index: 46.809-42.857-14.509 = -9.23

ADPAverage Draft Position
The average spot in a draft where a Pokemon is chosen.
59.846Round 8, Pick 4

CVComposite Value
A combination of win rate and draft rate that seeks to determine value, with different weights applied, with 10 being average.
Wins Per DraftPokemon wins divided by Pokemon drafts. Currently, 1.831 is average, with higher numbers being better.
Drafted RangeThe earliest and latest a Pokemon has been drafted.
51 - 64Percentage of Picks by Round - Butterfree1234567801020304050607080Click the Drafted Range to learn more about pick data!
pCVPoints-Based Composite Value
A combination of win rate, draft rate, and Pokemon cost that seeks to determine value, with different weights applied, with 10 being average.
Battle StatsStats are taken from available replays and as a result these statistics are incomplete, as all information is not available in all matches.
Most Common MovesOnly revealed moves in available replays are counted.
Battle stats unlock after a Pokemon has participated in 50 battles with a replay available.


Butterfree is a low-cost Pokémon that can perform exceptionally well as your last draft pick, either at a 2 or 1 point cost. Its ability, Compound Eyes, gives it the opportunity to use Stun Spore and Sleep Powder with nearly 100% accuracy, making it an incredible status spreader. Stun Spore can paralyze Ground-type Pokémon, making it the a rare move that can do so. Apart from that, Butterfree doesn't offer much more--Thief as a item-removal option and Whirlwind for phasing are other moves you can include in supportive sets. Nightmare is a viable option to force a switch on the affected Pokémon or to engage in a 1v1 battle if it's down to just your and your opponent's last Pokémon, having a great synergy with its accurate Sleep Powder. Unfortunately, the stats for this Pokémon are underwhelming, making it a frail target and a relatively slow status spreader with a base speed of 70. Its Flying type gives it immunity to Spikes, but also gives it a 4x weakness to one of the format's most common types in Rock.

Summary written by Sir Artichoke

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This page interfaces with a database that I maintain and collect data for from a specific format of Pokemon competition I enjoy called "ADV Draft". I have a few posts about it on this site -- one talking about how I initially went about data storage and some of the stats I use, and another about "graduating" from Google Sheets to a standard relational database and actually setting this part of my website up, and a third about adding more advanced analytics to the site.

I manually update this database as tournaments finish as I don't feel like paying money to host the database separately. The most recent finished tournament I have in the database is Zinc-Tratufo Draft League Season 2, which ended on 2/15/2025. I don't have stats for tournaments in progress here. I also don't have (or want) stats for team tournaments.

If you have a tournament you think I should add to my database or a summary for a Pokemon, give me a shout at the contact info on my home page -- I'll be happy to talk to you! This also applies to custom data requests -- send me an email with the subject "ADV DB Custom Data Request" (or similar) and I'll see what I can do for you!

All sprites are pulled from Smogon and all replays are pulled from Pokemon Showdown. This site uses Stuart Langridge's sorttable script.

Note: Mr. Mime and Farfetch'd are stored as "MrMime" and "Farfetchd", respectively.