
I'm Larry Donahue, currently a Data Integration Consultant at a healthtech company. In my spare time, I enjoy doing baseball research, playing League of Legends (and other games!), and drawing when I get the creative urge to.

I earned my undergraduate degree in Physics from Carleton College in June of 2022, where I gained an interest in both computational physics and baseball. I plan to head back to school and earn a graduate degree in physics, or a similar field involving some sort of data analysis.

This website is meant to be a space to throw whatever I'm working on all in one place. It is also very much a work in progress. The things I've put the most time into that I am most proud of at this point are my undergraduate thesis, The Modern Baseball Pitch: A Physical Perspective, and my League of Legends progress tracker, MSheet. If you were to look at only a few things here, I would check out those two. I'm also pretty proud of the body of articles I put up on the 'Other' section up above.

I can be contacted through either email, Twitter, or Discord.

Thanks for hangin' out,